niedziela, 7 listopada 2010


20 październik o 13:15

Może uda się jakoś zamodelować sposób wyrażania tego, co dotychczas niewyrażalne. Może ludzie nauczą się w końcu "zabijać" to co być może faktycznie powinno umrzeć - jednak bez uszkadzania swoich bądź cudzych ciał, uczuć i dusz?

Thinking about Deep Democracy Open Forum (possibly broadcasted) where all cruel, murderous, power-greedy and full of hatred GHOST-ROLES dwelling in polish political field would have opprtunity to freely express whole hidden meaning presented in reciprocal accusations ...

* Crossing the edge while expressing unwelcommed view points seems to be always temporarily painfull, yet the price could be huge liberation from the burden, taking off the yoke of projected and pressing uncouncious material ...

Maybe people wil finally learn how to "kill" what should be killed without harming and hurting human (and animal) bodies, feelings and spirit?

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